Visas, Invitation, Student and Travel Grant Applications
Visa/letter of invitation
If you have any queries regarding whether or not you require a visa in order to travel to Denmark for the conference, please click here.
Should you require a letter of invitation, please fill in the form supplied here and send it to ecs-17organising@au.dk.
Student grant
Application Deadline: 20 February 2017
Who’s supported?
The ECS offers limited financial support to students who are the first author of a talk or poster that has been accepted. The precise amount granted will depend upon the number of students subsidised and the amount of money available. Limited funds are available to provide grants towards travel or subsistence costs for students. If you are earning a salary you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of real hardship. Please think carefully before applying for a grant.
How to apply?
Students who wish to apply for support can do that on the condition of submitting their abstract and filling in the Student Grant Form and sending it to the Conference Organisers at ecs-17organising@au.dk by no later than 20 February 2017.
How is the support given?
A decision will be made early March. Those selected will be informed by then. Those who are selected for a student grant will receive it onsite at the conference registration desk during the main conference upon presentation of their contribution.
Please be aware that you can only apply for either a student or a travel grant, not both.
Travel grant
Application Deadline: 20 February 2017
Who’s supported?
The ECS tries to encourage participants from countries where funding for such conferences is extremely limited. The level of support will depend on funds available.
How to apply?
Those persons wishing to apply for support should fill in Travel Grant Form and send it to ecs-17organising@au.dk by no later than 20 February 2017.
How is the support given?
A decision will be made early March. Those selected will be informed by then. Those who are selected for a student grant will receive it onsite at the conference registration desk during the main conference upon presentation of their contribution.
Please be aware that you can only apply for either a student or a travel grant, not both.