Information about presentations and posters
All oral presentation slideshows should be provided electronically (e.g. USB stick) at the registration desk on Sunday 30 April 2017 at Hindsgavl Castle during its open hours the day before presentation is scheduled.
The ECS conference is approaching fast and we are looking very much forward to be inspired by your talk. Hindsgavl Castle uses PowerPoint 2015 and the format of the screen is 16:9. In order to assure that the sessions will run smoothly, we would like you to upload and check your talk in due time.
You can do that during these intervals:
Sunday: 17:30 - 18:30
Monday: 07:30 - 08:45
Tuesday: 07:30 - 08:45
Wednesday: 07:30 - 08:45
The desk will be situated near the registration and manned by me or a student volunteer.
You can also email your talk to lky@bios.au.dk
Remember to transfer sound and video files along with your presentation!
A Short Talk will be of a maximum of 5 minute duration. This format is not considered less important than a long talk but will suit those ideas or hypothesis that do not require a long talk time allocation but are better communicated orally than through a poster. We encourage people with new ideas and hypothesis, innovative methodology, maybe unexpected or inexplicable experiences in the field that they want to share. Progress report can also be considered for short talks.
The Short Talk can be presented with visual aids and slides (maximum 10 slides in general) but must not exceed the allocated 5 minutes. The presenter will be notified when one minute is left. No questions or discussions are permitted after the presenters talk but presenters are requested to stay in the main conference room for at least 10 minutes after the short talk session to receive comments and questions personally.
As this is a new style of presentation for the conference there may be some teething problems but if presenters can stick to the guidelines provided it should prove to be a successful style that will become a regular option at future conferences.
Some useful suggestions for a successful short talk:
- Don’t try to put too many slides or too many items on slides.
- Make sure the audience can understand your take-home message.
- Don’t speak too fast, just to fit your talk into 5 minutes.
- The topic is very important here; don’t choose Short Talk just to make an oral presentation
Because of their peculiarities, short talks should not be fully referenced as scientific source.
Long talks
The format of the long talk and poster presentations will follow previous ECS conferences.
Oral presentations will be 15 minutes in total - around 10-12 minutes presentation followed by 3-5 minutes for questions.
Size: Please keep a maximum poster size (A0 format) - 85cm (width) x 120cm (height).
Poster must include a photo of the PRESENTING author (with surname) at the top left corner which will be informed by the Scientific Committee at the top right corner.
Read and follow carefully the guidelines for the posters.
Please prepare one powerpoint slide about your poster to be projected during the conference and send it before the conference starts to ecs-17science@au.dk.