On this page, you can find information about the program of the 35th ECS Annual Conference. New updates will be published in the next weeks.
When viewing the program and the abstract book, make sure you have downloaded the latest versions (updated on April 22, 2024).
Keynote speakers

Bruno Cozzi was born in Milan on June 30, 1956. He obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine (with honors) in 1980 at the University of Milan, and his PhD in Health Sciences [Neurobiology] in 1993, at the Institute of Medical Anatomy, Department B, University of Copenhagen. His scientific production is focused on comparative neuroanatomy of large domestic herbivores, marine mammals, and man. He published several scientific papers, > 100 of which are currently listed in PubMed, Scopus, and other databases. He wrote textbooks of veterinary anatomy, human neuroanatomy, and dolphin and whale anatomy in Italian, English, German, and Japanese. He was part of the Italian Scientific Delegation to the International Whaling Commission (2004-2005; 2007-2011). During his career at the Universities of Milan and Padova, he taught Veterinary Anatomy and Neuroanatomy. A former full professor, after retiring in October 2023 he is currently a senior scientist of the University of Padova.

Frances Gulland currently serves as Chair of the US Marine Mammal Commission, having been appointed to that position by President Biden on May 4th 2022. In 2000, she joined the Commission’s Committee of Scientific Advisors, and in 2011, was appointed to serve as one of three Commissioners and confirmed by the Senate. Dr. Gulland is a veterinarian specializing in marine mammal medicine. She is a Research Associate at the University of California, Davis, and worked for 25 years at The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California, where her focus was treatment of stranded marine mammals and research into the causes of disease in these animals. She received a veterinary degree from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, in 1984, and a Ph.D. in zoology in 1991. Dr. Gulland has served on a number of federal and state advisory panels, including the Working Group on Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events, the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Team, and California’s Ocean Protection Council and Oiled Wildlife Care Network.

Philip Hammond is research professor at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. His primary interest is in population dynamics and ecology, in particular the applied aspects of how seals and cetaceans interact with human activities. Research foci include investigating the habitat use, foraging ecology and diet of marine mammals; estimating abundance, survival and reproductive rates; and modelling marine mammal populations. He co-founded the Scottish east coast bottlenose dolphin project which continues to study the dynamics of a small coastal population in a changing environment. He helped initiate the series of SCANS cetacean surveys to estimate abundance and model distribution of cetaceans in European Atlantic waters, coordinating the first three surveys in 1994, 2005 and 2016. He has supervised >40 PhD students working throughout the world and published >150 research papers. He has contributed to the IWC Scientific Committee, the ICES WG on Marine Mammal Ecology and the IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group, and is an associate editor of Marine Mammal Science and a member of the SMM Conservation Committee.

Download here the Schedule of the 35th ECS Conference.
Download here the Scientific program of the 35th ECS Conference.
Download here the Abstract Book of the 35th ECS Conference.
Scientific Committee
Executive Scientific Committee
Chairs: Clara MONACO (Marecamp Association, IT), Morgana VIGHI (Tethys, IT-ES)
Antonella ARCANGELI, ISPRA (Italy)
José Carlos BÁEZ, Instituto Español de Oceanografía - IEO - CSIC (Spain)
Andrew BRONWLOW, University of Glasgow (UK)
Frank DHERMAIN, Miraceti (France)
Venera FERRITO, University of Catania (Italy)
Silvia FREY, Kyma (Switzerland)
Lonneke IJSSELDIJK, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)
Gabriella LA MANNA, University of Sassari (Italy)
Sandro MAZZARIOL, University of Padova (Italy)
Maria MORELL, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Germany)
Andre MOURA, University of Gdansk (Poland)
Nikolina RAKO GOSPIĆ, Freelance (Croatia)
Roberto CARLUCCI, University of Bari (Italy)
Chiara COPAT, University of Catania (Italy)
Cristina FIORI, Worldrise ETS (Italy)
Stefano FLORIDIA, Marecamp Association (Italy)
Eugenio INTERNULLO, Centro Studi Cetacei Onlus (Italy)
Giancarlo LAURIANO, ISPRA (Italy)
Aurélie MOULINS, CIMA Research Foundation (France-Italy)
Anna Maria PAPPALARDO, University of Catania (Italy)
Giuliana PELLEGRINO, Marecamp association (Italy)
Alessandra RAFFA, Marecamp association (Italy)
Virginia SCIACCA, CNR - ISP (taly)
Kimberly TERRIBILE, MCAST (Malta)
Paolo VASSALLO, University of Genova (Italy)
Salvatore VIOLA, INFN-LNS (Italy)

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Conference program & Abstract book